Beyond adaptation: Transforming pedagogies of teaching elementary mathematics methods course in the online environment
권민성 Kwon Minsung , 여승현 Yeo Sheunghyun
61(4) 521-537, 2022
권민성 Kwon Minsung , 여승현 Yeo Sheunghyun
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 521-537, 2022
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted, interrupted, and changed the way we normally prepare our teacher candidates in teacher preparation programs. In this paper, we, two mathematics teacher educators (MTEs), reflect our own experiences in appropriating, transforming, reconstructing, and modifying our pedagogies of teacher education in making a transition from face-to-face to online environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a collaborative self-study, we discussed issues, challenges, changes, opportunities, and innovations of teaching an elementary mathematics methods course in the online environment. Using a constant comparison method, we explored the following three themes: (1) using virtual manipulatives; (2) creating collaborative, interactive, and shared learning experiences for preservice teachers; and (3) making preservice teachers engaged in student thinking. These findings indicated that online teaching requires transformative knowledge for teacher educators. Transferring face-to-face to online is not a simple matter of putting the existing content to online; it should focus on pedagogical improvement in teaching mathematics rather than technology’s sake or how it can be repurposed in a new online environment in a way that students’ learning is optimized. The findings of this study provide implications for unpacking MTEs’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), creating collaborative learning experiences for preservice teachers, and designing a collaborative self-study between MTEs engaged in the community of professional learning.
Arts-based research as a valid method for mathematics education research: Fiction writing applied to an activity of designing educative curriculum materials
서희주 Suh Heejoo
61(4) 539-557, 2022
서희주 Suh Heejoo
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 539-557, 2022
A research field develops by experiencing several turns of paradigms. Mathematics education research have experienced those turns as well. Still, the dominant perspective is that mathematics education research should be scientific and objective. In this article, I suggest that this need not to be the prime rule to follow and that the mathematics education field will fertile by discussing extraordinary cases which may seem controversal to be recognized as valid research work. To this end, I first briefly describe the necessity of open discussions among researchers for a field to develop. Then, I introduce fiction writing, a resesarch method derived from arts-based research, as an extraordinary case for open discussions. The benefit of Arts-based research is on that it takes an holistic approach to how we know by embracing emotion and emphathy as means for knowing. Because of this trait, arts-based research holds a powerful potential for influencing a wide range of people, both inside and outside of the resesarch field. Following this, I present a fiction about a prospective teacher who participated in an activity for designing educative curriculum materials. By doing so, I sought to provoke discussions among mathematics education researchers about what to include as a valid research work, possible standards for reviewing arts-based resesarch.
Changes in mathematics pedagogical lexicons: Extension research of the International Classroom Lexicon using a text mining approach
이기마 Lee Gima , 김희정 Kim Hee-jeong
61(4) 559-579, 2022
이기마 Lee Gima , 김희정 Kim Hee-jeong
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 559-579, 2022
Research on lexicon and language provides insights into the interests, values and practices of a community where individuals use the language. The International Classroom Lexicon Project, in which ten countries participated, identified own country's mathematics teaching and learning lexicons by investigating mathematics classroom instruction from teachers’ perspectives in a speaking-oriented community. This study, as an extension of the International Classroom Lexicon Project research, investigated pedagogical lexicons used in 「Mathematics and Education」 journals specialized for Korean professional mathematics teachers published by the Korean Society of Teachers of Mathematics. Using the text mining approach, we also traced how these pedegogical lexicons have changed quantitatively over the past 10 years with a diachronic perspective. As a results, several novel terms were found in the writing-oriented community, which were not identified in the speaking-oriented community. In addition, we could discover some pedagogical lexicons have increased statistically significantly and some lexicons appeared(increased) rapidly across years. This implies the teacher community’s values and zeitgeist by reflecting these changes in the sociocultural, incidental and social changing (i.e., periodical change) contexts. This study has value as a first step in understanding zeitgeist for mathematics education in Korean mathematics teacher community according to changes of times over the past 10 years. Also, this study contributes to the methodological insights: the text mining technique provides a methodological contribution to researching changes in interests, values and zeitgeist according to these changes in the times.
The utility of digital evaluation based on automatic item generation in mathematics: Focusing on the CAFA system
김성연 Kim Sungyeun
61(4) 581-595, 2022
김성연 Kim Sungyeun
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 581-595, 2022
The purpose of this study is to specify the procedure for making item models based on ontology models using automatic item generation in the mathematics subject through the CAFA system, and to explore the generated item instances. As an illustration for this, an item model was designed as a part of formative assessment based on the content characteristics, including concepts and calculations, and process characteristics, including application, using the representative values and the measures of dispersion in Mathematics of the 9th grade based on the evaluation criteria achievement standards. The item types generated in one item model were a best answer type, a correct answer type, a combined-response type, an incomplete statement type, a negative type, a true-false type, and a matching type. It was found that HTML, Google Charts, TTS, figures, videos and so on can be used as media. The implications of the use of digital evaluation based on automatic item generation were suggested in the aspects of students, pre-service teachers, general teachers, and special education, and the limitations of this study and future research directions were presented.
Exploring the change in achievement by the transition of the test mode from paper to computer: Focusing on the national assessment of educational achievement of high school mathematics
정혜윤 Jung Hye-Yun , 송창근 Song Chang-Geun , 김영준 Kim Young-Jun , 이경화 Lee Kyeong-Hwa
61(4) 597-612, 2022
정혜윤 Jung Hye-Yun , 송창근 Song Chang-Geun , 김영준 Kim Young-Jun , 이경화 Lee Kyeong-Hwa
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 597-612, 2022
Recently, large-scale mathematics assessments are shifting from traditional paper-based tests to computer-based tests, nationally and internationally. This study explored the mode effect (the difference in student achievement by the change of test mode) according to the types of test items, the technological function reflected in the items, the characteristics of students' computer use, and the computer-based test environment. To this end, we analyzed the results of the 2020 national assessment of educational achievement of high school mathematics conducted on a paper and computer basis. As a result, firstly, the mode effect induced by the mode transition was generally insignificant, but the mode effect was larger in the extended response type than other types. Secondly, there were differences in the mode effect according to the transition to test with computer mode where innovative items were added. Thirdly, the difference between mode effects was statistically significant according to the student’s sense of efficacy in computer use. The results of this study suggest that innovative items should be introduced deliberately according to the targeted content and competency in evaluation, and that assessment design and environment preparation need to be carefully developed so that nonessential abilities other than students' mathematical ability or incidental situation do not distort the assessment results.
Detecting types for the influence of math teaching methods perceived by high school students on math self-efficacy: Using REBUS-PLS
송효섭 Song Hyo Seob
61(4) 613-629, 2022
송효섭 Song Hyo Seob
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 613-629, 2022
This study explored the heterogeneous latent group on the influence of the learner's perceived math teaching method(instructor-centered, learner-centered) on math self-efficacy. In order to profile the characteristics of the detected latent group, the distribution of variables was confirmed, and multi-group analysis was conducted by SEM. According to the analysis results, two latent groups were detected, and the instructor-type group and the learner-type group were named. As a result of post-hoc analysis, the perception of instructor-centered classes and learner-centered classes, and the perception of math teaching ability were similar between the instructor-type and the learner-type group. But the instructor-type group had higher math self-efficacy, math interest, and math class engagement than the learner-type group. Also, in the instructor-type group, the effect of perception of math teaching ability on math self-efficacy and math class engagement was greater than that of the learner-type group. Whereas, in the learner-type group, the effect of math interest on math self-efficacy and math class engagement was greater than that of the instructor-type group. This study presented a new research method on the influence of math teaching methods on learners by applying the REBUS-PLS method.
Exploring the direction of mathematics education to improve the affective achievement of students
이화영 Lee Hwayoung , 고호경 Ko Ho Kyoung , 박지현 Park Ji Hyun , 오세준 Oh Se Jun , 임미인 Lim Miin
61(4) 631-651, 2022
이화영 Lee Hwayoung , 고호경 Ko Ho Kyoung , 박지현 Park Ji Hyun , 오세준 Oh Se Jun , 임미인 Lim Miin
DOI: JANT Vol.61(No.4) 631-651, 2022
It has been alerted that Korean students' mathematical affective achievement is very low. In order to solve this problem, various policies related to mathematical affective domains have been promoted, but it is necessary to examine various existing policies and explore the direction for improving them in more essential aspects. Based on previous studies that the growth mindset helps to increase students' affective achievement, this study focused on improving students’ math-related growth mindset and ultimately exploring policies that can increase mathematical affective achievement. Therefore, the current status of mathematical affective achievement of Korean students was examined, and the policies and related cases in the mathematical affective domain were investigated. Based on the results, some keywords were derived and then the directions of policy for improving the math-related growth mindset and the affective achievement of students were suggested.