Secondary mathematics teachers’ perceptions on assessment
권나영 Kwon Na Young , 오서영 Oh Seo Young
59(4) 295-312, 2020
권나영 Kwon Na Young , 오서영 Oh Seo Young
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 295-312, 2020
This study aimed to investigate and compare perceptions of middle and high school mathematics teachers on assessment. For the purpose, we developed and used a survey consisting of two parts(importance/performance on assessment and general opinion on process-based assessment). We gathered data from 188 middle school and 125 high school mathematics teachers in Incheon area. An Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) method was used for data analysis. As results, middle school mathematics teachers showed higher perception on both importance and performance in almost all area on assessment than high school teachers. In addition, research results based on teaching experience indicated that mathematics teachers having more teaching experience seemed to perceive high importance-high performance and low importance-low performance tasks more than mathematics teachers having less experience. In particular, middle school teachers recognized many low importance-high performance tasks according to their teaching experience. The IPA gave us different results depending on the school size. The larger the school, the more diverse opinions appeared tasks in low importance-high performance. From the general opinion on process-based assessment, the middle school mathematics teachers also seemed to have more positive perspectives and to be more active in assessment than high school mathematics teachers. Finally, we discuss implications for future policy formulation and implementation on process-based assessment.
Development and effect analysis of an integrated teaching model of mathematics and ethics for social justice
이예진 Lee Yejin , 박만구 Park Mangoo
59(4) 313-329, 2020
이예진 Lee Yejin , 박만구 Park Mangoo
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 313-329, 2020
The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated teaching model that integrates mathematics and ethics with social justice theme centric approach. To solve the research problems, the investigator conducted literature studies on the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum, 2015 revised mathematics 3rd to 6th grade textbooks, and the 2015 revised ethics curriculum.. Based on the results of analysis, the mathematics and ethics integrated model for social justice was devised by using the three axes of mathematics subject, ethics subject, and social justice. The integrated class of mathematics and ethics for social justice consists of the steps of problem recognition (ME 1), analysis (ME 2), discussion (ME 3), inquiry and practice (ME 4), and it can be implemented in a total of 27 ways. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the integrated model, two classes of sixth grade were selected as experimental and comparative classes. As a result of the study, the integrated class of mathematics and ethics can be used as a tool to improve the value perception of mathematics, However, it should be conducted with full consideration of students' mathematical tendencies in advance. Also, it can improve students' social consciousness. However, practice and experience-oriented classes are effective to overcome ‘reserved agency’ problem. Finally, it can improve students' perception of integrated classes and their creative thinking and critical thinking skills.
Systematic review on the research of mathematical beliefs in Korean mathematical education
이선영 Lee Seonyoung , 한선영 Han Sunyoung
59(4) 331-355, 2020
이선영 Lee Seonyoung , 한선영 Han Sunyoung
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 331-355, 2020
The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the results of the existing research on mathematical beliefs, compare and synthesize the valuable results and to suggest implications for mathematical beliefs and research. As a result of checking the methodological quality of 59 articles in total using the MQA(Methodological Quality Assessment) checklist, most of them surveyed mathematical beliefs using questionnaires, and most of the studies were conducted on prospective teachers. As a result of systematic review, the conceptual characteristics of mathematical beliefs, object-specific characteristics, and the educational influence of mathematical beliefs were able to synthesize the meaning. Mathematical beliefs had important educational influences in the practice of teachers, students, and math classes. As the results of the study, we emphasize the importance of changing the beliefs of students and teachers in order to solve the problem of mathematical education, where students rely on private education rather than activity thinking, and teachers do not pay attention to students thinking. It has been shown that concrete support is needed for practicing participatory instruction focused on mathematical thinking.
Exploring improvement of curriculum on analysis of the connectivity between competencies, skills and achievement standards in 2015 revised mathematics curriculum for elementary school
이화영 Lee Hwayoung
59(4) 357-371, 2020
이화영 Lee Hwayoung
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 357-371, 2020
In the 2015 revised math curriculum, core competencies have been embodied and presented as skills and achievement standards. In this study, I analyzed aspects of the link between competencies, skills and achievement standards in the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum for elementary schools. According to the study, six mathematics curriculum competencies were presented evenly as 'skills' in each content area of elementary school, but reflected some of the sub-components of the curriculum, and some of them were presented as 'skills' but not as 'achievement standards'. In addition, the types of skills reflected in the achievement standards varied greatly by content area, but a few of specific skills such as 'understand' were found to be highly emphasized. Based on this, several implications were derived to further improve the implementation of competencies. First, 'skill' should be presented in a more systematic way and with more validity of extraction. Second, the extent to which competencies are presented in the achievement standards should be discussed. Third, Mathematics skills should be presented differently by grade(cluster) in achievement standards, 'Guidelines for Teaching and Learning' and ‘Guidelines for Assesment'. Fourth, competencies related to content shall be presented separately and in detail.
The effects on the personalized learning platform with machine learning recommendation modules: Focused on learning time, self-directed learning ability, attitudes toward mathematics, and mathematics achievement
박만구 Park Mangoo , 임현정 Lim Hyunjung , 김지영 Kim Jiyoung , 이규하 Lee Kyuha , 김미경 Kim Mikyung
59(4) 373-387, 2020
박만구 Park Mangoo , 임현정 Lim Hyunjung , 김지영 Kim Jiyoung , 이규하 Lee Kyuha , 김미경 Kim Mikyung
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 373-387, 2020
The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of personalized learning platforms applied with machine learning recommendation modules that upgrade recommended algorithms by themselves through learning big data analysis on students' learning time, self-directed learning ability, mathematics achievement, and attitudes toward mathematics, and the correlation between them. According to the study, customized learning affected learning time, self-directed learning ability and mathematics attitude, while learning time affected self-directed learning ability. Self-directed learning ability has had a significant impact on the attitude of mathematics and mathematical achievements. As a result of the mediated effectiveness test, the indirect impact of customized learning on mathematics attitude and mathematics performance was significant through the medium of learning time and self-directed learning ability.
Interpretation and application of information processing competency as mathematical competency: A case of middle school mathematics textbooks under the 2015 revised curriculum
김은현 Eun Hyun Kim , 김래영 Rae Young Kim
59(4) 389-403, 2020
김은현 Eun Hyun Kim , 김래영 Rae Young Kim
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 389-403, 2020
This study aims to examine how information processing competency as one of the mathematical competencies has been interpreted and applied in mathematics education by analyzing tasks in middle school mathematics textbooks under the 2015 revised national curriculum. Based on the sub-elements of information processing competency organized by Park et al.(2015), we analyzed 191 tasks in 30 different middle school mathematics textbooks using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. Also, we investigated the meaning of information processing competency embedded in the tasks by distinguishing the characteristics of several different types of tasks. The results from this study showed that the number of tasks related to information processing competency in mathematics textbooks was too small and there was a huge difference across the textbooks in terms of the sub-elements. Even though there were four sub-elements of information processing competency, ‘the use of manipulative and technological tools’ was extremely dominant in the tasks in general. Even many of them used technology and manipulatives superficially. Furthermore, any textbook did not provide tasks dealing with all the four sub-elements. Such an unbalanced and fragmented approach to information processing competency could produce biased knowledge and insufficient experiences for information processing competency. It calls for further investigation and discussion about how to improve information processing competency in school mathematics.
A theoretical model for the utilization of intellectual resources between science and mathematics: An empirical study
최경미 Choi Kyong Mi , 서경운 Seo Kyungwoon , Brian Hand , 황지현 Hwang Jihyun
59(4) 405-420, 2020
최경미 Choi Kyong Mi , 서경운 Seo Kyungwoon , Brian Hand , 황지현 Hwang Jihyun
DOI: JANT Vol.59(No.4) 405-420, 2020
There have been mixed reports about the idea of utilization of resources developed from one discipline across disciplinary areas. Grounded with the argument that critical thinking is not domain-specific (Mulnix, 2012; Vaughn, 2005), we developed a theoretical model of intellectual resources (IR) that students develop and use when learning and doing mathematics and science. The theoretical model shows that there are two parallel epistemic practices students engage in science and mathematics - searching for reasons and giving reasons (Bailin, 2002; 2007; Mulnix, 2012). Applying Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model to the data of 9,300 fourth grade students' responses to standardized science and mathematics assessments, we verified the theoretical model empirically. Empirically, the theoretical model is verified in that fourth graders do use the two epistemic practices, and the development of parallel practices in science impacts the development of the two practices in mathematics: A fourth grader's ability to search for reasons in science affects his or her ability to search for reasons in mathematics, and the ability to give reasons in science affects the same ability use in mathematics. The findings indicate that educators need to open ideas of sharing development of epistemic practices across disciplines because students who developed intellectual resources can utilize these in other settings.