A study on identification method of the Mathematical gifted
서정표 , 박배훈 Jeong Pyo Seo , Bae Hun Park
32(1) 1-10, 1993
서정표 , 박배훈 Jeong Pyo Seo , Bae Hun Park
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 1-10, 1993
Courseware for Mathematical education using artificial intelligence
김원종 Won Jong Kim
32(1) 11-41, 1993
김원종 Won Jong Kim
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 11-41, 1993
A study on the basic mathematical skills and attitudes toward mathematics of tenth graders in korea
김봉석 , 박배훈 Bong Seog Kim , Bae Hun Park
32(1) 43-54, 1993
김봉석 , 박배훈 Bong Seog Kim , Bae Hun Park
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 43-54, 1993
A study the development of the mathematics work book based on the 6th curriculum
정창현 , 류희찬 , 남승인 , 신준식 Chang Hyun Jung , Hee Chan Lew , Seung In Nam , Jun Sik Shin
32(1) 55-68, 1993
정창현 , 류희찬 , 남승인 , 신준식 Chang Hyun Jung , Hee Chan Lew , Seung In Nam , Jun Sik Shin
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 55-68, 1993
The system of waiving the written university entrance examinations for mathematically gifted students
최영한 Young Han Choi
32(1) 69-73, 1993
최영한 Young Han Choi
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 69-73, 1993
Knowledge representation and probalistic inference for decision support
김성식 Seong Sik Kim
32(1) 75-90, 1993
김성식 Seong Sik Kim
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 75-90, 1993
SAT and mathematics education in U . S . A .
장경윤 Kyung Yun Chang
32(1) 91-99, 1993
장경윤 Kyung Yun Chang
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 91-99, 1993
A Paradox in Geometrical Probability
Robert Fakler
32(1) 101-105, 1993
Robert Fakler
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 101-105, 1993
New trend and issues on the computer literacy education
이태욱 Tae Wuk Lee
32(1) 107-115, 1993
이태욱 Tae Wuk Lee
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 107-115, 1993
Discipliary nature of Mathematics education
신인선 , 박배훈 In Sun Shin , Bae Hun Park
32(1) 117-123, 1993
신인선 , 박배훈 In Sun Shin , Bae Hun Park
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 117-123, 1993
An Analysis of Validity and Development of Model Items on Scholastic Ability Test for High School Entrance in Chung-Buk Area
허양순 , 김원경 Won Kyung Kim , Huh Yang Soon
32(1) 125-135, 1993
허양순 , 김원경 Won Kyung Kim , Huh Yang Soon
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 125-135, 1993
A Study on Proof-Writing Abilities and Errors of Middle School Students in Geometry
류성림 , 정창현 Sung Rim Ryu , Chang Hyun Jung
32(1) 137-149, 1993
류성림 , 정창현 Sung Rim Ryu , Chang Hyun Jung
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 137-149, 1993
Study on the Errors about Proposition in the fifth course of Mathematics education in High school
김도상 Do Sang Kim
32(1) 151-155, 1993
김도상 Do Sang Kim
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 151-155, 1993
The purpose of this study is to point out and improve problems about proposition in the fifth curriculum and to present the direction of revision for the sixth curriculum. The method taken in this study was the analysis of written questions.
On the Universtiy of Chicago School Mathematics Project ( UCSMP )
류희찬 , 최정화 Hee Chan Lew , Jung Hwa Choi
32(1) 157-171, 1993
류희찬 , 최정화 Hee Chan Lew , Jung Hwa Choi
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 157-171, 1993
Hessian Comparison Theorem of distance functions relative to some boundary points
김방옥 Bang Ok Kim
32(1) 173-177, 1993
김방옥 Bang Ok Kim
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 173-177, 1993
The effect of Regression Coefficient By ARIMAErrors
최창호 Chang Ho Choi
32(1) 179-188, 1993
최창호 Chang Ho Choi
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 179-188, 1993
Math Education Information : NCTM-Position statemant
류희찬 , 조정수 , 류성림 , 김용대 , 조완영 , 김희정
32(1) 189-201, 1993
류희찬 , 조정수 , 류성림 , 김용대 , 조완영 , 김희정
DOI: JANT Vol.32(No.1) 189-201, 1993